Why is My Tile Floor Sticky After I Mop?

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my tile floor sticky after i mop

It’s always disappointing to finish cleaning your floors only for them to feel stickier than they did before mopping.

But as disappointing as it is, it’s a common problem.

If you’re wondering, “why is my tile floor sticky after I mop?” there are three likely causes. Here are the top reasons for your sticky floors and how to avoid this problem going forward.

Top Reason for Sticky Tile Floors After Mopping

If your tile floors feel sticky after you mop them, you’re probably using too much cleaning solution. The next time you clean, try cutting the amount of cleaner you use in half.

To remove the stickiness from your tile, remop your floors with a vinegar solution or steam mop them.

3 Causes of Sticky Tile Floors After Mopping

causes of sticky floors

Using Too Much Mopping Solution

The top cause of sticky tile floors is the overuse of cleaner

This is an easy fix going forward – all you need to do is dilute your cleaner with more water.

As an extra precaution, after mopping with your regular solution, go back over the floor with a mop dampened with water. This will help rinse off any soap left behind.

Your Mop is Dirty

When’s the last time you changed out your mop head? If it’s been a while, you may be spreading dirt all over your floor instead of removing it.

This can cause your floor to feel sticky and look like it has a hazy build-up.

An easy fix is to use a new mop head or microfiber pad each time you mop your floors.

Using the Wrong Type of Cleaner

While this isn’t as common of a problem as it is with wood or laminate, your tile floors might feel sticky because you’re using the wrong type of cleaner.

For example, a ceramic or porcelain tile can withstand most types of all-purpose floor cleaners. However, you need to clean slate tiles, marble, and travertine with a more gentle stone cleaner.

If you’re not using the recommended cleaner and always end up with sticky floors, now is the time to switch to the correct type of cleaner.

How to Get Rid of Sticky Floors After Mopping

Once you’ve determined what’s causing your sticky floors, you need to get them properly cleaned up.

Luckily, this isn’t hard to do.

Here are the best ways to get rid of sticky floors after mopping:

Mop with vinegar and water – Since vinegar is acidic, it can eat through the sticky residue left on your floor. All you need to do is mix half white distilled vinegar with half water and mop.

Use a steam cleaner – Nothing removes stickiness quite like a steam mop. If you have a steam mop and a compatible tile floor (i.e., your floor isn’t slate or another type of delicate stone), start cleaning it with a steam mop.

Spot treat the sticky areas – If your floor is only sticky in certain regions, wipe those spots with a damp microfiber cloth. 

Frequently Asked Question

faq my tile floor sticky after i mop

Why does my floor feel sticky after I steam mop?

If your floor feels dirty after you steam mop, you’re probably using too much cleaning solution. When you use too much solution, a soapy residue gets left behind, making your floors feel sticky. 

Next time you steam mop, half the amount of cleaner you use and see if that makes a difference.

How can you clean a sticky floor without a mop?

If your floor is sticky and you don’t have a mop, spot clean it with microfiber cloths. To do this simply dampen the rags with water and use them to wipe up any stickiness.

Why is there a film on my tile after mopping?

A film on your tile occurs for the same reasons stickiness does – you’re using too much cleaner, your mop is dirty, or you’re using the wrong type of cleaner.

You can remove the film by mopping your floors with a vinegar and water solution or steam mopping. Going forward, use only half of your standard mopping solution and see if that fixes your problem.


If you’re constantly asking, “why is my tile floor sticky after I mop?” it’s most likely caused by an excess of cleaner on your floor. 

You can easily clean this up by rinsing your floors with a damp mop or using an acidic cleaner like vinegar to eat through the residue. You can avoid this problem in the future by only using the correct type of cleaner for your tile and by adequately diluting the cleaner you do use.

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Katie Barton lives with her husband and three daughters in an 1800’s style log cabin in southern Ohio. She thinks cleaning is relaxing and is considered the organizing go-to person by her family and friends. She runs the blog Cabin Lane where she shares about cleaning, decluttering, and minimalism. See full biography here.

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