How to Repair Carpet Quickly (Step-by-Step Guide)

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How To Repair Carpet

If your gorgeous, wall-to-wall carpet gets a burn mark, a hole, or a horrible, immovable stain, never fear. Here is a simple, DIY guide on how to repair a part of your carpet that is damaged. And when you are done with this quick fix, your carpet will look as good as new! You may not even be able to tell where the repair was made.

Fixing Damaged Carpet

Basically, what we will be doing to fixed the damaged area is creating a patch of fresh carpet and installing it in the place of the damaged carpet.

Note that this should only be done with damage that is on the smaller side (like a small burn mark or hole). Larger damage will require more extensive repairs or a professional. If the damage is smaller than the diameter of a standard metal can, this is the guide for you.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Obtain a Repair Piece

Obtain a Repair Piece

You will need to take a section of new carpet in order to patch the part of the carpet that is damaged. Cut this from the carpet that was left over after installation, or, if you don’t have any of that, you can cut a piece from a place that doesn’t get any traffic (like the very back of your closet). Make sure the section you take is large enough to cover the damaged section of your carpet.

Step 2: Cut the Repair Piece to Size

Using an empty metal can or another such rigid, open container, press it down firmly on the repair piece on the nap side, using the rim to make an unmistakable impression on the repair piece. Use a utility knife to cut around the outline of the container.

Step 3: Determine the Direction of the Nap

Draw an arrow on some masking tape and use it to show what the direction of the nap is on the repair piece. Use another such piece of tape to show the nap direction next to the carpet area that was damaged.

Step 4: Make an Outline on the Damaged Area

Using the same container as before (in step 2), press down firmly over the damaged area of carpet. Make sure that the tape which marks the direction of the nap is not included in the outline made by the container.

Step 5: Cut out the Damaged Carpet

Using great caution, cut the damaged area out according to the outline of the container. Try to keep the area which is being cut out as small as possible while still allowing for adequate space to insert carpet tape and lay it flat. The metal can diameter is a fairly decent guide when it comes to the size of the carpet to be cut out and replaced.

Step 6: Apply Carpet Tape to the Area

Apply Carpet Tape to the Area

Take a length of carpet tape which is 2 or 3 inches longer than the diameter of the area which was cut out. For this repair, single sided carpet tape will usually work better than double sided carpet tape. Exercise patience throughout this step, as the tape is extremely sticky and can be frustrating to use.

Peel the backing off of the tape, and insert it with care adhesive side up into the area that has the cut-out, making sure that the tape lies flat and adheres firmly to the bottom of the carpet around the cut-out. You will probably need two or three pieces of carpet tape for a repair of this size. Make sure that enough of the carpet tape adheres on all sides of the carpet surrounding the cut-out.

Step 7: Align the Nap Direction

Take the repair piece and make sure that the arrow on the repair piece and the arrow on the carpet surrounding the cut-out are parallel, pointing in the same direction.

Step 8: Apply the Repair Piece

Keeping the arrows parallel, press the repair piece firmly into the area with the cut-out, making sure that it matches around the entire edge and keeping the nap direction arrows parallel to one another. Press firmly and use extra pressure to make sure the repair piece adheres to the carpet tape. Also use extra pressure around the entire diameter of the cut-out. This will work the carpet fibers into the area.

Step 9: Trim Carpet Fibers

Trim Carpet Fibers

After the repair piece has been snugly inserted and pressed firmly into the cut-out, examine the length of the carpet fibers. If the carpet fibers from the repair piece are longer than those of the surrounding carpet, use scissors to trim them to the proper length in order to even them out. Trim enough so that the fiber lengths blend in.

Step 10: Apply More Pressure

Position a heavy stack of books, a heavy item of furniture, or something else heavy over the repaired area for two days to apply more pressure and to make sure that the repair piece becomes fully integrated with the surrounding carpet and adheres fully to the carpet tape.

There you have it! A relatively painless, quick and easy way to fix small damage to your carpet.

Video Tutorial

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Nora has more than 5 years experience in the floor covering industry, acquiring vast knowledge about installation and material selection. She now enjoys working as a writer and an interior decorator. Her work has been featured in The Spruce, Homes & Gardens, Southern Living and Real Homes. See full biography here.

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